X-COM Roleplaying Game
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The Geoscape

4 plaatsers

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The Geoscape Empty The Geoscape

Bericht van Admin ma feb 10, 2014 8:03 am

The Geoscape is the real-time holographic representation of the Earth (and Moon) used by X-COM to track alien activity across the globe. The Geoscape will also display any X-COM activity in progress, such as air interceptions and the Skyranger traveling to or returning from missions.


Aantal berichten : 34
Registratiedatum : 10-02-14


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The Geoscape Empty Re: The Geoscape

Bericht van Admin wo feb 12, 2014 4:08 pm

As alarms go off, with or without a head tactical officer, X-COM roars into action. The team hastily gathers whatever information they have, and send a X-COM squad away.


Aantal berichten : 34
Registratiedatum : 10-02-14


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The Geoscape Empty Re: The Geoscape

Bericht van Yowel vr feb 14, 2014 10:48 pm

Commander Richard Mabutu:

Just after landing at the base, he walks into the Mission control room with hasty steps, dropping one of his bags at the door.
'Ah so here it is! Now this is a surprise. So what do we have here?' He walks to the Geoscape. 'I suppose something is not right? with that alarm going of and all these red lights everywhere. Miss Hayashi, can you explain this situation? Let's call the staff! I read there is also a tactical officer? I would very mucht like to meet him!
So hello everybody, my name is Richard Mabutu! I am appointed as your commander by the X-Com Council. I am very pleased to be here. Please I would very much like to meet every and last one of you. Let us say hello, oké?'

Aantal berichten : 7
Registratiedatum : 11-02-14

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The Geoscape Empty Re: The Geoscape

Bericht van Admin zo feb 16, 2014 7:13 pm

The geoscapes flares as a unknown bogey comes into range.
It has all the visuals of a small fast craft flying above Cameroon.


Aantal berichten : 34
Registratiedatum : 10-02-14


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The Geoscape Empty Re: The Geoscape

Bericht van Adler-Olsen di feb 18, 2014 4:48 pm

Thank you, for introducing Sir, but we have a situation of a unidentified fighter craft circling above Cameroon, however, the head tactical officer has yet to respond to this.
When the head tactical officer is unavailable, it falls to me to take over his functions.

I suggest to give out the order to intercept this aircraft immediately!
Tactical Officer
Tactical Officer

Aantal berichten : 10
Registratiedatum : 18-02-14
Leeftijd : 73
Woonplaats : Kopenhagen

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The Geoscape Empty Re: The Geoscape

Bericht van Admin wo feb 19, 2014 6:24 pm

People around the room, not sure what to do, slowly begin to react to what the superior officer is saying.

One of them replies: "So, you want us to launch Raven-1 right?"

He looks to the rest of the team, who then asume it is what Jussi meant.

"Raven-1 is underway sir, I estimate it will make contact in 15 minutes"


Cheers erupt through the mission control room as one of the operators shouts:

"Bogey is down, i repeat, bogey is shot down. Raven-1 has sustained minimal damage and is on it's way home"

Another shortly after asks: "Shall i put it up on screen sir?"


Aantal berichten : 34
Registratiedatum : 10-02-14


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The Geoscape Empty Re: The Geoscape

Bericht van Adler-Olsen wo feb 19, 2014 7:15 pm

Please do
Tactical Officer
Tactical Officer

Aantal berichten : 10
Registratiedatum : 18-02-14
Leeftijd : 73
Woonplaats : Kopenhagen

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The Geoscape Empty Re: The Geoscape

Bericht van Admin wo feb 19, 2014 7:23 pm

The screen goes up and visible is a downed UFO shaped craft. it rests in the middle of a crater in the forests of Cameroon. The Craft itself seems to be intact

"That is impossible, Sir, The UFO is downed, yet it still seems to be intact. I think whoever flew that thing might still be inside. What do you suggest sir?"


Aantal berichten : 34
Registratiedatum : 10-02-14


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The Geoscape Empty Re: The Geoscape

Bericht van Adler-Olsen wo feb 19, 2014 7:30 pm

"I suggest we go on a search mission. Can we use the Skyranger to get us there? I volunteer to go out and recover the aircraft. "

"Are we even able to recover the aircraft? What are the possibilities to bring the aircraft here? Or should we just take a look and asses the situation?"

Tactical Officer
Tactical Officer

Aantal berichten : 10
Registratiedatum : 18-02-14
Leeftijd : 73
Woonplaats : Kopenhagen

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The Geoscape Empty Re: The Geoscape

Bericht van Yowel wo feb 19, 2014 7:36 pm

Richard Mabutu

Mabutu walks in and makes himself known with the situation.

'Hello! Yes! Good work Mister Olsen! Good to have you on this team! Alright, you go out with the Skyranger to try and bring the whole UFO back. Keep it in one piece if possible!
Go! Take the First Squad with you, in case there are Greys still alive inside. Or other things.'

Aantal berichten : 7
Registratiedatum : 11-02-14

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The Geoscape Empty Re: The Geoscape

Bericht van Adler-Olsen wo feb 19, 2014 7:41 pm

On my way
Tactical Officer
Tactical Officer

Aantal berichten : 10
Registratiedatum : 18-02-14
Leeftijd : 73
Woonplaats : Kopenhagen

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The Geoscape Empty Re: The Geoscape

Bericht van C.C.N. Falkasius do feb 20, 2014 6:50 pm

Constantius joins the FO recoverng mission as well!

C.C.N. Falkasius
Head tactical oficer
Head tactical oficer

Aantal berichten : 2
Registratiedatum : 19-02-14
Leeftijd : 64
Woonplaats : Rome

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The Geoscape Empty Re: The Geoscape

Bericht van Admin zo maa 02, 2014 9:48 am

The Geoscape flares up with multiple reports of Alien activity. Alien Abductions are being reported in the following Area's:

Lyon, France
Tijuana, Mexico
Tiangchang, China

The Tactical team has monitored these locations and estimate that if the aliens are not killed at these locations before the 10th of march, panic will increase in those nations.


Aantal berichten : 34
Registratiedatum : 10-02-14


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The Geoscape Empty Re: The Geoscape

Bericht van Yowel ma maa 03, 2014 11:15 pm

Richard Mabutu:

He walks in and sees the blinking dots on the giant globe.
'Oh great. Now this. Ok. Good. You!'
he points at the nearest employee sitting behind a computer. It's a young skinny man with thin blond hair. He looks up when he notices that his colleague next to him stopped her work and is staring at him. He then follows her nod and turns his head towards the commander. He sees a big black man in a full camo green soldier outfit. The jacket is unbuttoned and reveals a tight sweaty black shirt. The commander completes his unofficial Nigerian rebel-style uniform with a big brown belt and heavy classic black army boots.
The employee freezes.
Mabutu continues: 'If anything changes in these situations you call me. You are now responsible for the lives of those people!' He points at a red blip on the globe. 'You are the crisis officer! And you!' He stares down at the woman sitting next to the on-the-spot promoted crisis officer.
She shrivels under his gaze, afraid she might get promoted as well. Right now that doesn't seem a good thing.
'You are the international relations officer! Get me info on those countries. Send it to this.' He presses his finger on his smartwatch. Then he suddenly turns around and walks to the hallway. When he is almost out of sight they here him roar 'NOW!' and see an index finger pointed to the ceiling.

Aantal berichten : 7
Registratiedatum : 11-02-14

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The Geoscape Empty Re: The Geoscape

Bericht van Gesponsorde inhoud

Gesponsorde inhoud

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