X-COM Roleplaying Game
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Office of Professor Hideyoshi Katsurou

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Office of Professor Hideyoshi Katsurou Empty Office of Professor Hideyoshi Katsurou

Bericht van Hideyoshi Katsurou do feb 20, 2014 2:59 am

You stand inside the office of Professor Hideyoshi Katsurou, the Head of Research at the secret X-COM facility in Nigeria.
Hideyoshi Katsurou
Hideyoshi Katsurou
Head Research
Head Research

Aantal berichten : 16
Registratiedatum : 15-02-14
Leeftijd : 42
Woonplaats : Tokyo

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Office of Professor Hideyoshi Katsurou Empty The Intern at X-COM (Start of the game)

Bericht van Hideyoshi Katsurou ma maa 03, 2014 12:50 am

As you enter the office of professor Hideyoshi Katsurou, you instantly notice the stooped silhouette sitting behind a large desk in the centre of the room. Taking one step closer in the office, the figure reveals to be a middle-aged Asian man, dressed in a finely clothed fashion. His sleeves are rolled up and his tie hangs loosely around his neck. He is intensely writing something on a small notepad. And appears completely oblivious to your presence in the room.

< What do you do? >


< Give me a hint >

You look around the room and notice how the professor is working in a nearly "clinical" working environment. The floors are shining and the desk is mostly empty, except for a white coffee mug. Detailing some-sort of cartoon character. A small black basket, containing various office utilities, stand close at hand to the professor. ( [HINT!] You also notice a couple of documents, neatly stacked in the absolute corner of the desk, labelled as 'CLASSIFIED!'.)


< Give me a hint >

Floating above the desk is a impressive computer monitor. Or, rather, a glass plate is mounted upon a stable frame, hanging from the sealing of the room. Displaying all kinds of animated graphical statistics. ( [HINT!] You also notice a black bar at the bottom of the screen, rapidly detailing about all updates of the Research facility.)

< What do you do? >


< Give me a hint >

On your left there is a single solid wall, only broken by a coat-hanger holding a fine suit-jacket. Several file cabinets standing neatly stacked next to each-other near to the desk, offer the only variation in the otherwise plain wall. The wall behind the professor is however, mostly empty. ( [HINT!] There are two framed documents hanging from the wall, that appear to be written in some sort of Japanese symbols. )


< Give me a hint >

The walls on your right are made entirely of matte glass and gloom with a soft white light. Behind it, as you know, is the research laboratory of the Nigerian X-Com facility. Slow shadowy silhouettes are moving around in the room. ( [HINT!] Everyone at the Research department appears to be working hard.

< What do you do? >
Hideyoshi Katsurou
Hideyoshi Katsurou
Head Research
Head Research

Aantal berichten : 16
Registratiedatum : 15-02-14
Leeftijd : 42
Woonplaats : Tokyo

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Office of Professor Hideyoshi Katsurou Empty Re: Office of Professor Hideyoshi Katsurou

Bericht van Yowel ma maa 03, 2014 11:41 pm


There is a sound that is coming all the way from the hallway, that is ending the silence of the office. As it comes closer, it appears as if there is someone repeatedly banging a barrel on the floor. The banging gets louder and suddenly the doorway of the office is filled with a big black sweating man. 'This base is to big!' He turns around and looks into the laboratory. He points at the nearest man in a white coat, who is just carrying something delicate made of glass, with the greatest care.
'You! get me a segway!'
The man looks up and looks baffled. 'I'm sorry sir? Are you talking to me?' The expression on the mans face tells he is still mentally processing the remark.
Mabutu doesn't wait for that. 'Now!' he says as he turns around back inside the office.

Content with his hands-on problem solving ability, he relaxes a bit. Or maybe it's the thought of smoothly racing through the hallways without breaking a sweat.
With his voice still stuck in loud-thunder-mode, he says to Katsurou:
'HELLO FRIEND! Are you OK? Good! Yes! I Need a rapport on the research. So what is the status. Come and show me what you have researched yes?' He stretches his arm as to welcome the professor under his wings. 'Also I change the funding. But first now what do you know about the enemy? Tell me!'

Aantal berichten : 7
Registratiedatum : 11-02-14

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Office of Professor Hideyoshi Katsurou Empty Re: Office of Professor Hideyoshi Katsurou

Bericht van Gesponsorde inhoud

Gesponsorde inhoud

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