X-COM Roleplaying Game
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How to join the X-COM project

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How to join the X-COM project Empty How to join the X-COM project

Bericht van Admin wo feb 12, 2014 4:51 pm

Hello fellow savior of the earth.

Written here is how you can start playing the X-COM role playing game and how it works:

1: How to join
To join the X-COM role playing game you will need a forum account, this is easily made by pressing the register button on the top of this forum

2: How to start playing:
To start playing the X-COM role playing game, you will need either one or two characters, based on your interest in the game

The first is a base-character
This is a character that gets involved in the X-COM base of operations. This can be as scientist, an engineer, a tactical officer, someone in public relations and other functions
Playing this character will be completely forum based and requires nothing more then for you to log in every once in a while and participate

the second is a soldier-character
This is a character you will go on operations with to fight the alien threat head-on.
Playing this character will be partly forum based, but will be mostly played on a tabletop battlefield.
You can do this with a group of friends willing to play with you anywhere in the world. (4-8 friends are recommended to play this, with one being the game master for your squad)

To create a character, download the X-COM role playing game starter package located here:
Afterwards, sent on of the moderators (currently me) your application form (roleplay this as if your are making a solicitation on a job) in the form of a message.

3: How to play:
You play the game by interaction with the different characters in the base on a vocal lvl. The heads of the different departments have a number of choices to make on how to develop the base or otherwise prepare and maintain the global X-COM project. As a soldier you can get different items here on the forum, and then take them into battle by playing one of the available operations with a group of friends (A Squad). Your squad can have a personal barracks in the forums, and a personal game master guiding you (interested game masters can get information on how to game master such an event by messaging me)

4: how to win:
How the X-COM project is going is completely up to the combined efforts of all the players, you either win together, or you lose together.


Aantal berichten : 34
Registratiedatum : 10-02-14


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