X-COM Roleplaying Game
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Cafeteria: The Bar

4 plaatsers

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Cafeteria: The Bar Empty Cafeteria: The Bar

Bericht van M1r4ge ma feb 10, 2014 10:04 am


Entering the cafeteria section of the barracks Denísov was surprised by the luxury. There was a pooltable, bar and even an old jukebox.
He walked up to the bar, taking a seat on one of the chairs.
After several minutes of waiting Denísov realised there was nobody arround to get him something, so he shouted.
"Hello!? Can a thiwsty Wussian get a dwink awwound hewe?" but nobody awnsered.
"Fine! I'll make myself some tea then! But don't get angwy fow helping myself!" And he got off his char and walked arround the bar and started boiling some water.
From his pocked he took a small pouch, from which he took some tea. Taking a good smell he exhaled with delight. "Just like at mamenka's house." he said.

Head Engineer
Head Engineer

Aantal berichten : 9
Registratiedatum : 10-02-14

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Cafeteria: The Bar Empty Re: Cafeteria: The Bar

Bericht van Armstrongs zo feb 16, 2014 3:05 pm

* Sir Armstrong

Tea? God damn Pussy! I sad after walking in to the bar while exploring the base. I sit down at the bar looking over at Denisov while opening a bottle of rum that conveniently was standing there at the edge of the bar, probably waiting for me.
Its good to drink when just back from battle and bleeding...

Aantal berichten : 2
Registratiedatum : 16-02-14

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Cafeteria: The Bar Empty Re: Cafeteria: The Bar

Bericht van Adler-Olsen di feb 18, 2014 5:34 pm

"So this is the cafeteria? Better than the one we had at the policestation.

Pass me a beer, gentlemen"
Tactical Officer
Tactical Officer

Aantal berichten : 10
Registratiedatum : 18-02-14
Leeftijd : 73
Woonplaats : Kopenhagen

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Cafeteria: The Bar Empty Brakka wants a drink

Bericht van Hideyoshi Katsurou do feb 20, 2014 4:31 am

Brakka Hon

A burly brown skinned man enters the room shortly after officer Olsen.
He is a large, barrel chested, with black lips, short black hair and dark eyes.
The lower part of his face is covered with elegant tattoo's that reach up his nose and spread out across his forehead.

Brakka shouts with a booming voice:

"" Tea! Tea for Brakka! ""

Brakka notices his superior Armstrong sitting down and drinking heavily and he greets him firmly, he nods to Dmítrich with respect and then walks up to Adler. A row of white teeth gleam between his black lips as he smiles, sticking out his hand he walks up to the officer at the bar.

Brakka says:

"" Greetings my friend, my name is Brakka, I am a "heavy" soldier under command of captain Armstrong here. May I ask for your name and function? ""
Hideyoshi Katsurou
Hideyoshi Katsurou
Head Research
Head Research

Aantal berichten : 16
Registratiedatum : 15-02-14
Leeftijd : 42
Woonplaats : Tokyo

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Cafeteria: The Bar Empty Re: Cafeteria: The Bar

Bericht van M1r4ge do feb 20, 2014 8:58 am


"I pwefew to keep my head clear. As we cuwwently don't have the manpowew to "chill" aftew a mission and let the othew team fight the next battle. But, I salute you. Cheews." Vasíli says and takes a gulp of tea.

[ Entrance of Brakka ]

"Ah, anothew tea lovew." Vasíli says, and he pours a cup for Brakka.

To nobody in particulair he mumbles.
"Quite the wowdy bunch we have hewe... Just like home."
And he smiles.

Head Engineer
Head Engineer

Aantal berichten : 9
Registratiedatum : 10-02-14

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Cafeteria: The Bar Empty Re: Cafeteria: The Bar

Bericht van Adler-Olsen do feb 20, 2014 11:59 am

"Beer makes my head clear, Denisov. Tea only makes me sleepy."

Adler-Olsen was a heavy drinker when he was still in the policeforce of Kopenhagen. He had seen to much and only alcohol made him forget the harsh times.

Looking at Brakka, Adler is impressed with the tattoo's on his face. First he only looks at his face only to realise later that the man in front of him is sticking his hand out. He reaches to grab the hand of Brakka.

"Jussi Adler-Olsen, Assistent Tactical officer. So you're a soldier, right? Were you with the last encounter with the aliens? Can you tell me more about their tactics or any other information I can bring to the head tactical officer?"
Tactical Officer
Tactical Officer

Aantal berichten : 10
Registratiedatum : 18-02-14
Leeftijd : 73
Woonplaats : Kopenhagen

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Cafeteria: The Bar Empty The friendly giant

Bericht van Hideyoshi Katsurou vr feb 21, 2014 1:20 am

Brakka Hon

< Brakka grips the hand of Adler-Olsen and firmly shakes his hand, smiling friendly. >

"" Yes sir, Corporal Brakka "Hongasa", but please call me Hon, or Brakka if you prefer. It is good to meet you officer Adler-Olsen, I am at your service. And yes, I was at the last encounter, fighting besides our brave captain Armstrong < Brakka turns to Armstrong and grins proudly. >, who took honorable first blood in battle. And supported by ranged brother Vasíli here, whom I promised to drink tea with after the combat. But also a strong woman by the name of Li, if I am not mistaken, we had a short but good talk about our common background in sport. ""

Brakka then falls silent for a moment, his face turns grim as he seemingly stares towards nothing in particular.

"" The aliens had... battle tactics that disturbed me. ""

He licks his teeth, still staring solemnly to the same nonexistent point in the room. His left eyebrow twitches nervously, but just before the moment becomes too awkward he looks back at Adler-Olsen and a friendly smile bursts forth from between his black lips and bright eyes.

"" Yes sir, officer Adler-Olsen sir, if you wish I will give you a full debriefing later tonight. But not here and not now. Now I must fulfill my promise to brother Vasíli and share with him a cup of tea! < Brakka laughs loud and heartily. > Please, join us if you wish, I would like to hear about your home, your family and your history. And I will also tell you mine if you so wish. ""

"" You don't mind if good officer Adler-Olsen joins us, do you Vasíli? ""
Hideyoshi Katsurou
Hideyoshi Katsurou
Head Research
Head Research

Aantal berichten : 16
Registratiedatum : 15-02-14
Leeftijd : 42
Woonplaats : Tokyo

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Cafeteria: The Bar Empty Re: Cafeteria: The Bar

Bericht van M1r4ge vr feb 21, 2014 9:05 am


"Of couwse I don't mind officew Olsen joining us." Denísov replies. "We awe all bwothers hewe."
"So what is your story officew Olsen? What made you join this "X-COM" owganisation?"

At first glance mr Olsen didn't look like the soldier type, sacrificing his life and limbs for the sake of the earth. Brakka, on the other hand, was the first thing that would pop into someone's mind when thinking of a soldier fighting the alien threat. Same thing went for mr Armstrong and his American can-do mentality.
But Denísov figured the people in command would have their reasons and tried to put the thought out of his head. He recalled the words his old platoon commander spoke when he enrolled at the 84th recon. "You are here to get the job done, by all means necessary. Don't think too much about the "why".

Head Engineer
Head Engineer

Aantal berichten : 9
Registratiedatum : 10-02-14

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Cafeteria: The Bar Empty Re: Cafeteria: The Bar

Bericht van Adler-Olsen vr feb 21, 2014 4:12 pm


Adler-Olsen didn't seem to want to tell Denisov and Brakka his story.

"Maybe I'll tell a story or two, maybe not"

Adler-Olsen raises his beer bringing a toast to nothing in particular. Then he drinks the whole bottle without cringing.

"Well? Pour me something stronger!"
Tactical Officer
Tactical Officer

Aantal berichten : 10
Registratiedatum : 18-02-14
Leeftijd : 73
Woonplaats : Kopenhagen

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Cafeteria: The Bar Empty A drink for champions

Bericht van Hideyoshi Katsurou zo feb 23, 2014 6:22 pm

Brakka Hon

Brakka takes a teacup from behind the bar, he pours himself some hot water from the boiler and then joins Denísov and Adler-Olsen at the table.
He says to Denísov:

"" I am most curious about this tea of yours Vasíli, you said that you had brought some of your homeland?
Could you flavour my water with it?

< Brakka presents his steaming cup to Denísov. >

"" Well then officer Adler-Olsen, or may I call you by your first name, Jussi? No disrespect for your office, of-course, but all men are equal when they share a drink in the night.
I already told brother Vasíli here about myself, but I come from New Zealand and used to be a professional rugby player for the New Zealand All Blacks, perhaps you have heard of us? It is a unique profession, considering that my entire family has always worked in the military. So when I got the offer to work for X-COM, I couldn't refuse.
It is good work, I think, but I hope that we will have regular holiday's. I don't mind the danger, but I would like to visit my new Zealand every now and again and see my little sister grow up.

Brakka interupts his friendly, but rather chatty stream of words to thank Vasíli as (/if) he flavours his cup with the tea.

"" Where do you come from officer? And do you play any sports? ""
Hideyoshi Katsurou
Hideyoshi Katsurou
Head Research
Head Research

Aantal berichten : 16
Registratiedatum : 15-02-14
Leeftijd : 42
Woonplaats : Tokyo

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Cafeteria: The Bar Empty The Alarm

Bericht van Hideyoshi Katsurou ma feb 24, 2014 12:59 am

Alien Encounter Alarm

Suddenly loud alarm goes off and the room is filled with a bright orange light!
A loud message starts filling the room through invisible speakers,


Brakka and Vasíli jump up from their seats and rush for the Hangar Bay, leaving their drinks spontaneously unattended.
Armstrong remains however and continue's nonchalantly to sip his drink, as if he never noticed the alarm going off in the first place.

(( O.C. Ik plaats deze omroep omdat Brakka en Vasíli vandaag op een missie zijn geweest. ))
(( O.C. We komen binnenkort wel weer terug om onze victory te vieren en deze RP verder uit te spelen ))
Hideyoshi Katsurou
Hideyoshi Katsurou
Head Research
Head Research

Aantal berichten : 16
Registratiedatum : 15-02-14
Leeftijd : 42
Woonplaats : Tokyo

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Cafeteria: The Bar Empty Re: Cafeteria: The Bar

Bericht van Gesponsorde inhoud

Gesponsorde inhoud

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