X-COM Roleplaying Game
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How to use the forum!

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How to use the forum! Empty How to use the forum!

Bericht van Admin ma feb 10, 2014 7:32 am

Using the forum is easy but requires a few steps before you are ready to use it.

1: Create an account under your normal player name.
2: In your description, state your current characters.

When making a post in the forum. Adher to the following rules:

1: Always start your post with, what character you are posting as.
2: Always post in the room you are having this conversation, putting up a announcement, or stating a report for all to see.
3: You can freely enter or exit any rooms your character has permission for (which currently is all) and as such, are free to enter any conversation. Want a private conversation? Use the message system!
4: The head characters can close their room for other characters, however, the commander can override this.
5: When new facilities are build in the base, they will be added as rooms in the forum.

Have fun saving the world!


Aantal berichten : 34
Registratiedatum : 10-02-14


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